A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 96 items that match your search.

"Hostos students call vigil to get city funds for annex"

This issue of the Daily World included an article stating that Hostos Community College students and activists planned a vigil to raise awareness about their need for funding to complete renovations at 500 Grand Concourse. By 1977, the third part [...]

Hostos Fights for Space / Vigilia Pro Hostos

This bilingual flier announces that Hostos Community College students and activists will hold a vigil to raise awareness about their need for funding to complete renovations at 500 Grand Concourse. The flier describes the urgent need for the [...]

Hostos Students Occupy Building

This April 12th, 1978 clipping from the Guardian describes the takeover of the 500 Grand Concourse building by Hostos Community College students and faculty to raise awareness about the college’s need for funding to complete renovations. The [...]

"Atención Compañeros, el edificio "500" ha sido Tomado"

"Attention, Comrades, the '500' building has been taken over and we need your support - now" is the translation of the flier announcing the occupation of the 500 Grand Concourse building. By 1977, the third part of the campaign to save Hostos [...]

Spirit Magazine, Spring 1974

This is an excerpt from the Spring 1974 issue of the York College student-produced Spirit Magazine. Included in this selection is a call from Frank Tucker, the magazine's editor-in-chief, for greater student involvement and increased financial [...]

Spirit Magazine, December 1974

This excerpt from the December 1974 issue of York College's Spirit Magazine features student-produced artwork, poetry, and journalism. A self-described "third world publication," the magazine typically focused on the needs and concerns of [...]

Spirit Magazine, February 1975

In this article excerpted from the December 1975 issue of York College student-run Spirit Magazine, managing editor Teddy DuBose decries proposed budget cuts to CUNY institutions at the height of the 1970s fiscal crisis in New York. DuBose [...]

Spirit Magazine, April 1975

These selections are from the April 1975 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. The publication typically focused on the concerns and needs of the college's large black student population.The magazine's cover features [...]

Spirit Magazine, December 1975

Feauturing an illlustration of Muhammed Ali on its cover, in this edition of the December 1975 issue of Spirit Magazine, the publication's editor-in-chief, Frank Tucker, bemoans the less than satisfactory support given to Spirit from York [...]

Spirit Magazine, April 1976

This is an extract from the April 1976 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. Each of the selections from this issue: the cover, the editorial, and the letter to the editor, reflect ongoing fears from students regarding the future of [...]

Spirit Magazine Cover, January 1979

The variety of the headlines found on this cover of the January 1979 issue of Spirit Magazine reflect the many concerns of the York College student-run publication. Framed as hopes for the upcoming year, the magazine calls for: a continued fight [...]

Spirit Magazine Cover, April 1979

This is the cover of the April 1979 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. Featuring a quote from Afro-Carribbean philosopher and writer, Frantz Fanon, the page introduces the issue's theme of "The Wretched of the Earth," a [...]

Spirit Magazine, January 1974

This is an excerpt from the January-February 1974 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. A brief article on the second page announces the college's creation of an African-American Studies program and the following article [...]

May 9, 1969 Announcement from Acting President George Peck alerting the Brooklyn College community that the NYPD would patrol the campus

On May 9, 1969 Acting Brooklyn College (BC) President George Peck announced the role of the NY Police Department in response to the student-led movement at. The document described various protest strategies and acts of civil disobedience coordinated [...]

May 14, 1969 Letter from Brooklyn College Acting President George Peck Announcing a Bail Review for Indicted Brooklyn College Students

A May 14, 1969 memo from Brooklyn College (BC) Acting President George Peck informed the college community about a bail review for BC students arrested during protests on the campus. The memo also stated Peck's commitment to confer with student [...]

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