A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 8 items that match your search.

Asian American Studies Faculty and Curriculum Development Initiative Proposal

This is the successful proposal for a 3-year Asian American Studies Faculty and Curriculum Development Initiative which began in the Spring of 1994. The initiative received $15,000 in funding from the CUNY Office of Faculty Development. Its primary [...]

A Professor's Threat: Cameras during Testing Situations

Posted on May 5, 2020, this Reddit posts featured student dialogue around whether or not instructors can viably take action against CUNY students who refused to enable their cameras during testing situations. Responders then negotiated the classroom [...]

"My professor isnt responding to her emails"

In this Reddit thread, one student chronicled their struggles navigating course communications on assignments in Blackboard during the Covid-19 pandemic. Part of these anxieties resulted from their inability to maintain contact with their instructor [...]

Student Help Project Timeline

The Student Help Project was a collective of Queens College student activists who volunteered to tutor schoolchildren in Jamaica, Queens and Prince Edward County, Virginia in 1963. The Student Help Project Timeline exhibits archival items donated by [...]

Student Help Project Art Book

The Student Help Project Art Book was produced by Queens College graphic design students to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Student Help Project. The Art Book visualizes the legal struggle for desegregation and equal opportunity to quality [...]

1967 - 1968 Annual Report of the SEEK Program

This is a CUNY-wide report for the SEEK program during the 1967-68 academic year. Included in the document is a cover letter from SEEK director Leslie Berger to CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker, a table of contents, a list of SEEK administrators, and [...]

A New Role for Psychology: Working with Disadvantaged Persons in a College Setting

In this 10-page "position paper," Berger describes and offers a theoretical rationale for the central role of psychological counselors within SEEK. A handwritten note adds an additional source on page 10. Short for "Search for Education, Elevation, [...]

Educational Opportunity Programs: Are They Academically Justifiable?

In this 22-page, July 1969 Milwaukee speech to the first annual conference on educational opportunity programs in higher education, Leslie Berger--director of CUNY's SEEK program--describes the birth and rapid growth of SEEK from 1965 to 1969; [...]

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