A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 5 items that match your search.

CUNY Adjunct Alert (December 1998)

This newsletter, produced by CUNY Adjunct Unite! (CAU), discussed the PSC's alleged accusations against both CAU and The Adjunct Project for violating New York State's Taylor Law. The article argued that CAU is an independent organization and [...]

CUNY Adjunct Alert (March 1999)

The March 1999 CUNY Adjunct Alert! Newsletter illustrated the tension between activist group, CUNY Adjuncts Unite!, and the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) leadership, in particular, President Irwin Polishook. The article, entitled “Irwin’s [...]

CUNY Adjunct Alert (September 1999)

The September 1999 issue of the CUNY Adjunct Alert discussed the importance of the grievance process and offered updates on a referendum on automatic dues deduction and adjunct health insurance.CUNY Adjuncts Unite! (CAU), an independent coalition of [...]

CUNY Adjunct Alert (March/April 2000)

This March 2000 edition of CUNY Adjunct Alert, in addition to covering late pay and adjunct voting rights, presented a "report card on the Slates and Candidates" of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) union election. The City University Unity [...]

CUNY Adjunct Alert (September 2000)

This September 2000 CUNY Adjunct Alert, announced an "Adjunct Awareness Campaign." in light of the newly-elected Professional Staff Congress (PSC) leadership, who were, according to the newsletter, “following through on their campaign promises to [...]

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