A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

CUNY Adjunct Alert (March/April 2000)

This March 2000 edition of CUNY Adjunct Alert, in addition to covering late pay and adjunct voting rights, presented a "report card on the Slates and Candidates" of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) union election. The City University Unity Caucus (CUUC/Unity Slate) and the New Caucus stances on specific issues of importance to adjuncts were compared.

CUNY Adjuncts Unite! (CAU), an independent coalition of CUNY part-timers founded in 1997, produced the CUNY Adjunct Alert newsletter.

Source | Newfield, Marcia
Creator | CUNY Adjuncts Unite!
Date Created | March 2000
Item Type | Text (Newspaper / Magazine / Journal)
Cite This document | CUNY Adjuncts Unite!, “CUNY Adjunct Alert (March/April 2000),” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,


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