A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 7 items that match your search.

Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions Grant Proposal

This is the successful proposal for the Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISI) grant written by Jennifer Hayashida, John Chin, and Paul McPherron. The 5-year $1.7 million Department of Education grant [...]

Division of Continuing Education: Annual Report, 1979-80

The Division of Continuing Education at LaGuardia Community College produced this Annual Report for 1979-80. It describes the Division's accomplishments, and the range of programs aimed at the diverse communities served by the college, and makes the [...]

LaGuardia Works: LaGuardia Community College, the First 25 Years

This booklet, published in 1997, tells the story of the first 25 years of LaGuardia Community College, from its conception as "Community College Number Nine" in 1968 through its 1971 opening and beyond. The author describes the social and economic [...]

"Governor Cuomo Visits LaGuardia CC's Program for the Deaf"

This article published in a CUNY-wide bulletin describes a visit by then-governor Mario Cuomo to LaGuardia's program for Deaf adults. Recognizing the success of the program, the governor pledged $125,000 in funding for the coming year.

Pathways to the Future: Annual Report, 1988-1989

The Annual Report for 1988-89, prepared by the Division of Adult and Continuing Education, details the array of programs developed by LaGuardia Community College staff to expand the educational reach of the college and meet the needs of its [...]

Division of Adult and Continuing Education: Transition Report, March 1989

This 1989 report chronicles the growth of the LaGuardia Community College Division of Adult and Continuing Education since its inception in 1972. The report states: "The Division of Adult and Continuing Education was envisioned as a major outreach [...]

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