A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 7 items that match your search.

"We Accuse"

“We Accuse The Members of the Emergency Financial Control Board of Crimes Against the Community” flyer was created by the Community Coalition to Save Hostos (CCSH) for the May 10, 1976 march that proceeded from El Barrio to the headquarters of [...]

Archive on Municipal Finance and Leadership

The Archive on Municipal Finance and Leadership at Baruch College makes available significant documentation of the city's fiscal crisis of the 1970s. This archive, compiled by the college's School of Public Affairs and hosted at the William and [...]

Report of the Citizens' Commission on the Future of the City University of New York

In November 1969, CUNY's Board of Higher Education formed and tasked the Citizens' Commission to "study the future of the University in all its aspects." Their analysis resulted in the creation of an extensive report in 1971 that detailed the [...]

Letter to Governor Carey from Peter Roman, Chairman of Hostos Social Sciences Department

The chairman of the Social Sciences department at Hostos Community College penned this letter to Governor Hugh Carey asking him to prevent the closure of Hostos and the merger with Bronx Community College. Professor Peter Roman argues that the [...]

El Coquí, Volume 7, Number 8, May 1977

El Coquí was a college newspaper published monthly by the Office of College Relations and Development at Hostos Community College. This 1977 issue features a story announcing the resignation of Candido Antonio de Leon from his post as President of [...]

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