A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

"A three-pronged experimental approach to the problem of undiscovered college potential among the young men and women of New York City"

This memorandum from Chancellor Bowker’s office called for three new forms of CUNY desegregation programs (pp. 1-2). This “three-pronged experiment” would be excused from CUNY’s general obligation to admit only students with the highest [...]

Spirit Magazine, April 1976

This is an extract from the April 1976 issue of the York College student-run Spirit Magazine. Each of the selections from this issue: the cover, the editorial, and the letter to the editor, reflect ongoing fears from students regarding the future of [...]

May 9, 1969 Announcement from Acting President George Peck alerting the Brooklyn College community that the NYPD would patrol the campus

On May 9, 1969 Acting Brooklyn College (BC) President George Peck announced the role of the NY Police Department in response to the student-led movement at. The document described various protest strategies and acts of civil disobedience coordinated [...]

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