Telegram from Walter Pinkston to CUNY Chancellor Bowker
Writing on behalf of the Bedford Stuyvesant Coalition on Education Needs and Services, Walter Pinkston demands that Chancellor Albert Bowker halt all planning of the new college until the Board of Higher Education and CUNY have conferred with the Coalition, which Pinkston writes, now represents the community "affected by [the] proposed institution." The Coalition, which comprised a collective of neighborhood organizations, would serve as the community's voice throughout the sometimes contentious negotiations with CUNY during the development of Medgar Evers College.
Source | CUNY Central Archives
Creator | Pinkston, Walter
Date Created | February 19, 1968
Rights | Obtain From CUNY Central Archives
Item Type | Text
Cite This document | Pinkston, Walter , “Telegram from Walter Pinkston to CUNY Chancellor Bowker,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed December 13, 2024,
Creator | Pinkston, Walter
Date Created | February 19, 1968
Rights | Obtain From CUNY Central Archives
Item Type | Text
Cite This document | Pinkston, Walter , “Telegram from Walter Pinkston to CUNY Chancellor Bowker,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed December 13, 2024,