We found 180 items that match your search.
Asian American Studies Faculty and Curriculum Development Initiative Proposal
This is the successful proposal for a 3-year Asian American Studies Faculty and Curriculum Development Initiative which began in the Spring of 1994. The initiative received $15,000 in funding from the CUNY Office of Faculty Development. Its primary [...]
"We Accuse"
“We Accuse The Members of the Emergency Financial Control Board of Crimes Against the Community” flyer was created by the Community Coalition to Save Hostos (CCSH) for the May 10, 1976 march that proceeded from El Barrio to the headquarters of [...]
Inside City Hall - "Full Scale Assault on the City's Community College System" (1998)
This video features a broadcast of NY1's Inside City Hall from 1998 that focuses on the then-newly released preliminary budget for the university. As was consistent through much of Giuliani's mayorality in the 1990s, many of his criticisms of the [...]
Assembly Update w/ Assembly Member Ed Sullivan featuring "The Friends of CUNY" (1999)
This 1999 roundtable discussion with Assembly Member Ed Sullivan features Drs. Sandi Cooper and Michael Kahan, leaders of "The Friends of CUNY," a group formed in opposition to many of the harmful changes sought by politicians and trustees of CUNY [...]
Labor at the Crossroads (CUNY 1998)
Co-produced by the CUNY Association for Worker Education and the Department of Communications at Hunter College, this video features footage of February 1995 CUNY/SUNY student protests in Albany as well as discussions featuring CUNY professors Sandi [...]
CUNY Forum - Future of Public Higher Education
Airing on May 6, 1998, this episode of CUNY Forum features an hour-long discussion on the future of public higher education in New York City. Moderated by Brooklyn College Professor Ed Rogowsky, the forum includes several participants including [...]
Women Studies Inclusion in Community Colleges Letter and Project Summary
This 1986 summary by the director of the Center for the Study of Women and Society (CSWS), Dr. Sue Rosenberg Zalk, provided a summary of the Community College Gender-Balancing Curriculum Project, an effort to expand Women's Studies at the [...]
Letters requesting information regarding the Gender Balancing Project of CSWS
This file from 1986 included inquiries from various educators about the Center for the Study of Women and Society's (CSWS) guide for"Putting Women into CUNY's Curriculum." This Fall 1985 publication contained resources and materials for community [...]
Addendum to the “Center for the Study of Women and Society: Plans for Expansion and Future Development” grant proposal
This correspondence from the director of the Center for the Study of Women and Society (CSWS), Mary Brown Parlee, to Alison Bernstein from the Education and Culture Program at the Ford Foundation on September 23, 1983 served to elaborate on the [...]
“Graduate Center Student Strike Update”: 16 Demands
On April 18th, a "Graduate Center Student Strike Update" document confirmed the students' 16 demands and announced that a negotiation process had begun with Graduate Center administrators. Some of the demands were tied directly to the building [...]
The Struggle Continues
Promoting solidarity and coalition building across CUNY campuses, this flyer called on students at Bronx Community College, Lehman College, and Hostos Community College to join a May 2, 1991 rally at Hostos Community College in the Bronx followed by [...]
Cottrell Report: Public Higher Education in the City of New York
This 48-page report provides a comprehensive survey of New York City's higher educational institutions in 1950 and its outlook over the next two decades. Commissioned by the Board of Higher Education, the study sought to identify, anticipate, and [...]
"Administrative Management of the School System of New York City"
The Survey of The Board of Education and The Board of Higher Education report was conducted in 1951 by George Strayer. It is an early effort to reorganize municipal colleges. Among other reports and legislative laws, it documents the shift in policy [...]
Community Health Worker Project at Hunter College - Project Update 5/23/02
This update discusses several topics surrounding the Community Health Worker (CHW) Project run by Hunter College's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH). Included among these is a description of the progress towards creating a [...]
United Federation of College Teachers: BMCC Chapter Newsletter, October 1966
This is the inaugural issue of the the newsletter of the BMCC chapter of the United Federation of College Teachers (UFCT), which would later be named The Gadfly. During the 1960s, the UFCT and the Legislative Conference were the two main [...]
MCC Strike Committee Bulletin #1
The 1976 contract negotiations between the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) and the university occurred in the midst of the city's mid-1970s fiscal crisis. Radicals at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) formed a strike committee in order [...]
Faculty Action, Fall 1977
This issue of Faculty Action focuses on the Bakke case, in which the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the policy of affirmative action in college admissions but ruled out the use of racial quotas. Writing before the decision was issued, the editors [...]
Faculty Action, May 1976
Published in May 1976, in this inaugural issue of Faculty Action, the lead story urges members of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) to reject a recent contract negotiated by union leadership with the city and state. The issue also presents the [...]
"Letter to Class of 1970"
Sample Pittman was an Associate Dean of Students at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) during the early 1970s. He became known to politicized students and faculty as a hostile opponent of the Third World Coalition, the radical group that [...]
Professional Staff Congress: BMCC Chapter Newsletter, March 8, 1974
The Professional Staff Congress (PSC), the union which represents CUNY faculty and staff, was formed in 1973 from the merger of the Legislative Conference and the United Federation of College Teachers. This is an early newsletter from the PSC [...]
Professional Staff Congress: BMCC Chapter Newsletter, February 22, 1974
This is an early newsletter from the Professional Staff Congress chapter at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC). Dated February 24, 1974, the newsletter features an article attacking BMCC president Edgar Draper for using the school's [...]
People's Handbook: Manhattan Community College, 1970-71
This handbook, a precursor to today's "disorientation" guides, offered incoming students a view of life at BMCC from the perspective of radicals in organizations that included the New University Conference, Third World Coalition, Night Students [...]
Celebration for the first group of LaGuardia Community College paraprofessional students , May 1971
Fern Khan (at center of photo) and her students who were the first group of students to enroll at LaGuardia. These students were paraprofessionals employed by the Board of Education. The program was funded following an agreement between the [...]
Joe Shenker, founding president of LaGuardia with the first group of students who were paraprofessionals
In 1970, Joseph Shenker was appointed president of what was then still called "Community College Number Nine," which would soon become LaGuardia Community College. Still in his twenties, Shenker brought a youthful optimism and a spirit of [...]
LaGuardia Community College - An Assessment of the Needs of the Western Queens Community, 1980
LaGuardia Community College opened in 1971 but in order to expand outreach and continuing education with the communities it served, this needs assessment of various communities in western Queens was undertaken in 1980. This study was initiated by [...]
"Accountability: A Reply to the Deans' Letter"
This leaflet, published by an ad hoc committee of Professional Staff Congress members at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), defends the committee's actions from critics in the CUNY administration and challenges those critics to an open [...]
"College Head Here Quits After Strife"
This New York Times article reports the resignation of Borough of Manhattan Community College president Murray Block following May 1970 demonstrations that ended with students and faculty occupying the college's buildings. Block's replacement was [...]
Prometheus, January 26, 1972
This issue of Prometheus, BMCC's student newspaper, reflects the evolving editorial concerns of the increasingly black and Latino/a student body. The paper contains articles on university funding, drug abuse, corporate enablers of [...]
Prometheus, February 10, 1971
This issue of Prometheus, BMCC's student newspaper, is dubbed by its editors as "Liberated" Prometheus, a reflection of the editorial sensibilities of the new student government dominated by the Third World Coalition, a group of black and Latino/a [...]
Prometheus, November 13, 1970
This issue of Prometheus, BMCC's student newspaper, was the first published after the Third World Coalition assumed control of the student government; it leads with a story on the appointment of Edgar Draper as president of the [...]
"Testimonial Dinner: Opposition Grows "
This leaflet, published by an ad hoc committee of Professional Staff Congress members at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), denounces a plan by then-BMCC President Edgar Draper to hold a testimonial dinner to himself at the Americana [...]
The Scorpion, April 3, 1974
In 1974 a new group called Students for Better Government took over control of the Borough of Manhattan Community College student government from the Third World Coalition. The new leadership criticized both the Third World Coalition and their [...]
Tiger Paper, April 1972
This edition of the Tiger Paper includes: interviews with BMCC students who were veterans of the Vietnam War, criticism of the college's registration process, a front page article detailing the firing of a professor, and an interview [...]
Tiger Paper, April 1973
This issue of the Tiger Paper leads with a story describing student demonstrations against the "threatened" implementation of tuition across CUNY campuses. It also features articles centered around "International Women's Day" and the Vietnam [...]
Tiger Paper, February 1973
This special issue of the Tiger Paper addresses the ongoing "struggle" over control of the Black Studies program at BMCC. The paper's editors, along with a group of radical students, supported the poet and educator Sonia Sanchez for the [...]
Tiger Paper, January 1974
This edition of the Tiger Paper protests the impending firing of 1,700 adjunct faculty and the consequent reduction in the number of classes offered at BMCC. "Such a move spells disaster for Open Admissions," the paper's editors write.The [...]
Tiger Paper, May 1974
This issue of the Tiger Paper leads with a blistering rebuke of a New York Times investigation into mismanagement at BMCC, one which Tiger Paper editors claim paints a falsely damning picture of students at the college. [...]
Tiger Paper, October 1974
This copy of the Tiger Paper advocates self-determination for Puerto Rico, criticizes the poor condition of facilities at BMCC, and encourages readers to remember "the spirit of Attica."The Tiger Paper, which billed itself as "Manhattan [...]
Who's Coming to Dinner?
This leaflet, published by an ad hoc committee of Professional Staff Congress members at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), criticizes the plan of then-BMCC President Edgar Draper to stage a testimonial dinner to himself at the Americana [...]
STRIKE!, Prism, 1971
Prism was the Borough of Manhattan Community College's annual yearbook. This 35 page chapter from the 1971 edition details the student strike that, in May 1970, temporarily shut down the college and resulted in 58 arrests. Filled with photos, [...]