A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

"Teach CUNY"

Organized by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) chapter of the Borough of Manhattan Community college, 'Teach CUNY' is an annual effort to raise awareness of issues facing CUNY. Beginning in 2011 with an emphasis on matters relating to college [...]

Free University Week

This web page features information regarding "Free University Week," a five-day event in Madison Square Park from September 18-22, 2012 that offered free educational workshops and classes to the general public. Founded around May Day 2012, the Free [...]

Occupy City University of NY Students and Faculty Protest

Ken Nash of the syndicated radio program, Building Bridges is in conversation with Hector Agredano (Occupy CUNY), Emma Francis-Snyder(Occupy CUNY), and Barbara Bowen (President of CUNY Professional Staff Congress) in this December 2011 30-minute [...]

The Time for Action

This 8-minute film includes footage from the second General Assembly at Hunter College, and the first "Occupy CUNY" teach-in at Washington Square Park on October 21st, 2011. The filmmakers who were CUNY graduate students at the time stated, “We [...]

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