A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 9 items that match your search.

Professional Staff Congress (PSC) Response to CUNY Coronavirus Plan

This March 2020 statement from the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) – the union representing 30,000 faculty, staff, and graduate students at the City University of New York (CUNY) – outlined the ambiguities in Chancellor Matos Rodriguez's [...]

"Birth of a Movement"

This Village Voice article covers the coalition effort that pulled off four simultaneous civil disobedience actions on April 25, 1995, stopping traffic at major bridges and tunnels to fight city budget cuts. Puerto Rican, black and Asian groups [...]

“City University Students at Federal Hall in 1989 protesting a proposed tuition increase.”

CUNY students held strikes and building occupations in 1989 when Governor Mario Cuomo and the CUNY Board of Trustees announced yet another $200 tuition increase. This mass rally was held at Federal Hall, near Wall Street.

Gerald Meyer Statement on the 500 Grand Concourse Building

Gerald Meyer, a founding faculty member at Hostos Community College and President of the Hostos chapter of the Professional Staff Congress made this statement at a press conference held on March 30, 1976. The statement articulates that facilities at [...]

Q's and A's about the Take-Over of 500 Grand Concourse

This information sheet produced by Hostos United/Hostos Unido offers students, faculty, and community members basic information about the occupation of the 500 Grand Concourse building in the Spring of 1978. To demand needed funding to complete [...]

Notice of Support from Student Government Organization

Daniel Macias, President of the Student Government Organization, wrote this memo in April 1978 to show support for the occupation of the 500 Grand Concourse building. Macias encouraged members of the Hostos community to participate in and assist [...]

The Takeover Grows Stronger / La Toma del Edificio Está Más Fuerte

Hostos United/Hostos Unido issued this bilingual bulletin on April 6, 1978 offering updates on the occupation of the 500 Grand Concourse building. The bulletin describes the ways that the space was being used for classes and childcare. It also [...]

Hostos Takeover Growing Stronger, News Release, Hostos United/Hostos Unido

Hostos United/Hostos Unido issued this news release on April 14th of 1978 to describe the current state of the occupation of the 500 Grand Concourse building and to offer context for how the occupation fit into a larger strategy to achieve their [...]

Hostos Students Occupy Building

This April 12th, 1978 clipping from the Guardian describes the takeover of the 500 Grand Concourse building by Hostos Community College students and faculty to raise awareness about the college’s need for funding to complete renovations. The [...]

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