A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

Herman Badillo Appointed to Head CUNY Board of Trustees

This clip from a May 1999 NY1 news broadcast features the announcement of Herman Badillo's appointment to lead CUNY's Board of Trustees. Initially appointed to the Board by Giuliani as part of the Mayor's efforts to place allies critical of the CUNY [...]

NY Closeup - End of Remediation at CUNY (1/26/1999)

This clip from NY1's NY Closeup focuses on the topic of remediation at CUNY. On the night prior to the show's broadcast on January 26, 1999, CUNY trustees approved a plan to remove remedial education at the university's eleven senior colleges. [...]

Open Admissions Protest Flier, October 1997

This Halloween themed flier, from October 1997, calls for participation in an October 26th protest at CUNY’s administrative offices at 535 E. 80th Street. Depicted are Rudolph Giuliani, New York’s mayor, and Herman Badillo, the Vice-Chair of [...]

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