A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

Tiger Paper, February 1973

This special issue of the Tiger Paper addresses the ongoing "struggle" over control of the Black Studies program at BMCC. The paper's editors, along with a group of radical students, supported the poet and educator Sonia Sanchez for the [...]

CUNY SEEK and Open Admissions Oral Histories

This is a website of oral histories by CUNY students and teachers telling stories about the founding and early years of SEEK at City College. It also contains stories about teaching writing in the first decade of Open Admissions across CUNY.

Proposal for a Women's Studies Program at Brooklyn College

This proposal for a Women's Studies Program at Brooklyn College describes a nationwide demand for courses on the subject. The document illuminates the co-founders' preliminary arguments for such a program, as well as their first ideas about how to [...]

El Coquí, Volume 7, Number 8, May 1977

El Coquí was a college newspaper published monthly by the Office of College Relations and Development at Hostos Community College. This 1977 issue features a story announcing the resignation of Candido Antonio de Leon from his post as President of [...]

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