A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 6 items that match your search.

Guidebook for the Implementation of Asian American Studies at CUNY

This guidebook, published in November of 1995, was assembled by members of the Asian American Studies Faculty Development and Curriculum Project, a $15,000 initiative funded by the CUNY Office for Faculty Development. The guidebook provides [...]

Spheric: Ground Zero

This issue of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, covers efforts organized by the Students Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) to protest New York Governor George Pataki's plan to decrease state funding [...]

The Campus, May 1, 1995

Selections from the CCNY Campus newspaper, covering the student hunger strike against the budget cuts and tuition hike in April, 1995. CCNY President Yolanda Moses brought in the NYPD to arrest 47 students. Includes an interview with President Moses [...]

"Building a Movement"

This is a photocopied Village Voice article that was used to promote a citywide demonstration on April 25, 1995 that united groups fighting for education, jobs, housing, health care and AIDS care. They also called for an end to police brutality and [...]

Newsday: "Enemies List?"

In this pair of articles from the Long Island, NY based Newsday, writer Graham Rayman details the efforts of CUNY officials to track and document the activities of student activists during the budget protests of 1995. Rayman's first article [...]

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