We found 6 items that match your search.
Interview with Baruch College Senior on the Distance Learning Experience
Recorded and transcribed by by Zach Muhlbauer, on April 21, 2020, this interview with an anonymous undergraduate student at CUNY's Baruch College who grappled with the abrupt transition to remote learning formats during the interviewee's final [...]
Oral History Interview with Khadija DeLoache
Khadija DeLoache entered City College in the fall of 1966 with support from the CUNY Seek program. In this oral history, DeLoache discusses growing up in Harlem, her experience as a student activist, and the development of the Black Studies [...]
SLAM! Herstory Project
A multimedia oral history archive about the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!, 1996-2007) and the CUNY Coalition (1995) at the City University of New York.
CUNY SEEK and Open Admissions Oral Histories
This is a website of oral histories by CUNY students and teachers telling stories about the founding and early years of SEEK at City College. It also contains stories about teaching writing in the first decade of Open Admissions across CUNY.
Educating Deaf Adults: The LaGuardia Community College Model
Among LaGuardia Community College's innovative programs was one aimed at Deaf learners that the New York Times called "the most comprehensive educational program for deaf persons in New York City." Under the LaGuardia model, Deaf students were [...]
Alumni Petition for Free Expression on Campus
This June 1933 petition was created by the City College Alumni Committee on Academic Freedom in protest of the college's treatment of students following a May 29th rally. The student-organized anti-war/anti-ROTC rally met resistance from the [...]