A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 6 items that match your search.

Inside City Hall - "Full Scale Assault on the City's Community College System" (1998)

This video features a broadcast of NY1's Inside City Hall from 1998 that focuses on the then-newly released preliminary budget for the university. As was consistent through much of Giuliani's mayorality in the 1990s, many of his criticisms of the [...]

Inside City Hall - CUNY Open Admissions and Standards (1998)

This 1998 excerpt from NY1's Inside City Hall features brief news coverage on proposed state funding for CUNY as well as a roundtable discussion in response to recent city government proposals relating to remediation and admissions standards at the [...]

The Mayor's Advisory Task Force Report: The City University of New York: An Institution Adrift

The Mayor's Advisory Task Force on the City University of New York issued its report, The City University of New York: An Institution Adrift, to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani on June 7, 1999. Over the course of their investigation, they reported that [...]

"A Community College Examines Its Community"

This article penned by Fern Khan examines LaGuardia Community College's efforts "to become more responsive to the varied needs of its community." This project consisted of an in-depth examination of social and economic characteristics of the [...]

LaGuardia Works: LaGuardia Community College, the First 25 Years

This booklet, published in 1997, tells the story of the first 25 years of LaGuardia Community College, from its conception as "Community College Number Nine" in 1968 through its 1971 opening and beyond. The author describes the social and economic [...]

Project Enable: Training Program for Homeless Heads of Household Residing in Hotels/Shelters

This November 1986 report details the activities of a training program for homeless mothers in New York City conducted by LaGuardia Community College's Division of Continuing Education. The program, which covered personal counselling, job training [...]

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