A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

CUNY Edu-Factory

“CUNY is becoming an Edu-Factory… and we need to be talking about it.” In conjunction with Equity Week, this poster was created as a teaching-resource. Using the factory as a way to visualize the precarity of contingent labor and how it [...]

CUNY Forum - Future of Public Higher Education

Airing on May 6, 1998, this episode of CUNY Forum features an hour-long discussion on the future of public higher education in New York City. Moderated by Brooklyn College Professor Ed Rogowsky, the forum includes several participants including [...]

Letter from Samuel B. Gould to John H. Hughes

In this letter to New York State Senator Hughes, SUNY Chancellor Gould describes the new SUNY SEEK Program. Gould had shown copies to CUNY’s Chancellor Bowker and Julius Edelstein, CUNY’s “Coordinator of Urban Studies,” who had forwarded the [...]

"Governor Cuomo Visits LaGuardia CC's Program for the Deaf"

This article published in a CUNY-wide bulletin describes a visit by then-governor Mario Cuomo to LaGuardia's program for Deaf adults. Recognizing the success of the program, the governor pledged $125,000 in funding for the coming year.

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