A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 11 items that match your search.

Tweet: City College Bathrooms Under Repair Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

As with most public institutions, during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, the City University of New York (CUNY) struggled with acquiring sufficient funding to meet the infrastructural needs of its physical facilities. With this tweet, [...]

"An Open Letter to CUNY Admins"

Posted on July 7, 2020, this Reddit thread recorded one unnamed student's open letter to the City University of New York (CUNY) administration in the interest of drawing critical attention to the persistent mix of unclear, conflicting, or otherwise [...]

"CUNY should cut the tuition."

Posted on July 24, 2020, this Reddit thread recorded conversations around students' desire for the City University of New York (CUNY) to reduce the cost of tuition given the pitfalls of online learning and the diminished return on investment [...]

Instagram Post: "This is not the time (not [nor] will it ever be) for cuts that affect the most vulnerable people in our community."

This Instagram post from May 2020, at the onset of imposition by the state of austerity measures in the wake of the pandemic, significantly addresses the ways the cuts affect the most vulnerable members of the CUNY community. This item is part of [...]

Tweet: The Same Workers on the Front Line Fighting the Epidemic Are Our Students

This tweet, posted in April 2020 by a CUNY adjunct lecturer, called attention to CUNY students' roles as frontline workers in the pandemic. This point is significant in the discussion of cuts at CUNY affecting students and the broader community. It [...]

Tweet: CUNY and SUNY Faculty and Staff Are Being Asked to Donate 15-20 hrs

This tweet, written in May 2020, documented the fact that CUNY and SUNY faculty and staff were being asked to volunteer their labor to support NYS's Contact Tracing initiative despite drastic cuts in CUNY funding and reductions in contingent workers [...]


This tweet from May 2020 described auto caravan protests against cuts at CUNY. It documented community-wide activism and solidarity in support of CUNY's long fight against austerity policies. This item is part of the City University of New York [...]

Tweet: Cuts fall most viciously on community colleges

This tweet from August 2020 posted by a Graduate Center Ph.D. candidate spoke out against budget cuts at CUNY, especially those affecting community colleges and low-income students in particular. Focusing specifically on these issues was [...]

Tweet: My CUNY students are literally driving delivery trucks while taking online classes

This tweet from August 2020 by a CUNY faculty member responded to US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez support for CUNY by highlighting CUNY students' essential labor while they are trying to learn at CUNY in the midst of the pandemic. This [...]

Tweet: Infographic About Free CUNY (as it was up until 1976)

This tweet from May 2020 is an infographic, created by the CUNY activist group FreeCUNY, and tweeted out by a CUNY faculty member, depicted the history of CUNY's costs to students until the mid-1970s and the social and economic benefits New York [...]

Tweet: #SaveJobsFundCUNY #CutCovidnotCUNY #MakeBillionairesPay

This Twitter thread from the Professional Staff Congress documents the caravan to save jobs and fund CUNY; it includes images of protestors on foot, bike, and by car, signaling onlookers to take stock of the #SaveJobsFundCUNY, #CutCovidnotCUNY [...]

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