A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 5 items that match your search.

No Cops, No Hikes — CUNY Wide Convergence

This flier for a May 10, 2012 protest at Hunter College, invited students to participate in a rally against both an increasing police presence on CUNY campuses and increasing tuition costs. In effort to rally supporters, the two groups responsible [...]

Rally Demanding Progress in Contract Negotiations

This photograph captures a rally held by the Professional Staff Congress during their deadlock with CUNY administration over the terms of a new contract in 1973. As negotiations stalled, the PSC held a number of rallies demanding that CUNY [...]

Rally against the Rapp-Coudert Committee: "Defend our Right to Freedom of Thought and Action"

Taken during the Rapp-Coudert Committee hearings sometime between 1940 and 1942, this photograph shows demonstrators protesting against the statewide hunt for "subversive activities" and persons in New York's public schools and colleges. Supporters [...]

Oral History Interview with Tucker Pamella Farley

This oral history interview was conducted with Tucker Pamella Farley, a founding member of the Brooklyn College Women’s Organization. In it, she discusses the political climate of the 1960s through the 1980s and the range of activities, actions, [...]

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