A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 3 items that match your search.

Handwritten Letter Concerning Responsibilities of Membership in the Professional Staff Congress

This letter from a nonmember of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) asks about the responsibilities of membership, particularly in regards to striking. The sender, a CUNY instructor, had been inquiring prior to deciding whether or not to join the [...]

Response from PSC to Non-member's Letter Regarding Membership Responsibilities

In this response to the concerns of non-member Mary Jane Blanpied about striking, a representative from the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) makes clear that ”no such action could be taken without a full membership referendum.” Such a [...]

Community Coalition to Save Hostos Organizing Workshop

The Community Coalition to Save Hostos hosted an all-day workshop to train members of the South Bronx community in organizing skills, strategies, and challenges in April of 1976. This program outlines the events of the day. The Community Coalition [...]

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