1847-1945 The First Century of Public Higher Education in NYC
A dozen years before the Civil War the city of New York made a unique commitment nationally. It embraced the concept of public, tuition-free, and municipal taxpayer-supported higher education for its citizens. Approved overwhelmingly by a referendum of NYC voters, the Free Academy opened its downtown Manhattan campus in 1847 (two decades later it changed its name to The College of the City of New York [CCNY]). Its mission, in the words of one of its founders, was “to educate the children of the whole people,” who were for most of CCNY’s first century solely white middle and working-class young men. They were drawn from the city’s public schools in older immigrant neighborhoods, especially German and Irish, as well as native-born areas. The Free Academy was joined in 1870 by the Normal College of the City of New York (changing its name to Hunter College in 1914), which educated the city’s young women to become public school teachers. Despite a municipal commitment to free, public higher education for city residents, CCNY and Hunter undergraduate enrollment totaled less than three thousand full-time students as late as 1910.
The city’s dramatic population growth and ethnic transformation (especially the huge influx of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe) combined with pressure to increase college enrollments pushed the city’s Board of Higher Education (established in 1926) to expand the municipal system. Two new city colleges were approved by the state legislature and launched in Brooklyn in 1930 and Queens in 1937.
New York City continued to make a substantial and sustained investment of tax dollars in its public higher education system in the decades prior to World War II, covering more than 90 percent of the municipal system’s total operating budget. The city’s municipal system now counted four tuition-free senior college campuses in three of its five boroughs, all of which now admitted young men and women together, almost all of whom were white. That system would face significant demographic, financial, and institutional challenges in the postwar era that followed.
At each historical moment, national issues manifested themselves on the college campuses and the CUNY Digital History Archive offers related items. The Struggle for Free Speech at CCNY, 1931-42 explores widespread student and faculty political activism at City College during the Great Depression. CCNY students participated in protests against militarism, social and economic injustice at home and the threat of fascism abroad. Brooklyn College - Handbills links to a collection of 279 handbills distributed by the college's student groups. The handbills cover an array of topics including war, peace, labor and Academic Freedom.
[This essay is based on Austerity Blues: Fighting for the Soul of Public Higher Education, by Stephen Brier and Michael Fabricant, October 2016.]
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