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American Student Union's "Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities,"

Adopted at the American Student Union's (ASU) 1940 convention, this document lays out the group's main tenets, namely the belief that peace and progress must be found and cultivated at each of the nation's universities. The charter also lists a set of progressive rights the group sought to "win universal recognition for."

The ASU, a left-wing national student organization, was formed in December 1935 following the merging of the National Student League and the Socialist Student League for Industrial Democracy. At the time, it was the largest of all national student groups, counting over 20,000 members in its rolls.

Source | Smith, Carol
Creator | American Student Union
Date Created | January 1941
Rights | Obtain From Smith, Carol
Item Type | Text (Flier / Leaflet (1 or 2 page handout))
Cite This document | American Student Union, “American Student Union's "Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities,",” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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