A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Subpoena issued to the College Teachers Union

This is the subpoena that was issued to the College Teachers Union on January 27, 1941. Commanding the union's presence at a January 31st hearing before the Rapp-Coudert Committee, the document requests extensive union membership records, meeting minutes, and financial records.

The Rapp-Coudert Committee was a New York State initiative organized in June 1940 to investigate and identify "subversive activities" and persons in New York's public schools and colleges. Several teachers' unions were targeted in the initial stages of the state's investigation as their membership rolls comprised progressive activists, many with alleged Communist ties. City College, in particular, became a target of the committee with dozens of faculty and staff called to public and private hearings.

Source | New York State Archives
Creator | Coudert, Frederic R.
Date Created | January 27, 1941
Rights | Copyright New York State Archives
Item Type | Text (Correspondence)
Cite This document | Coudert, Frederic R., “Subpoena issued to the College Teachers Union,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed January 16, 2025,

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