A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 148 items that match your search.

1967 - 1968 Annual Report of the SEEK Program

This is a CUNY-wide report for the SEEK program during the 1967-68 academic year. Included in the document is a cover letter from SEEK director Leslie Berger to CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker, a table of contents, a list of SEEK administrators, and [...]

A New Role for Psychology: Working with Disadvantaged Persons in a College Setting

In this 10-page "position paper," Berger describes and offers a theoretical rationale for the central role of psychological counselors within SEEK. A handwritten note adds an additional source on page 10. Short for "Search for Education, Elevation, [...]

To Help Them Achieve: The Academic Talent Search Project 1966-68, Part II

In the Fall of 1964, (armed with a Rockefeller Foundation grant) Brooklyn College’s School of General Studies launched a 42 student pilot program using Bowker’s model, which it called the “Academic Talent Search Project” or “ATSP.” The [...]

The Pre Baccalaureate Program at the College

In this December 1966 City College Alumnus article, Leslie Berger publicly describes and advocates for the City College SEEK model and challenges all traditional college admissions criteria as incompetent measures of student potential. Short [...]

Statement of Professor John A. Davis

In this 1965 statement Professor John A. Davis demands that his colleagues at City College take action to increase minority representation at the school. He writes that two years had “passed since various units of City College have been [...]

Educational Opportunity Programs: Are They Academically Justifiable?

In this 22-page, July 1969 Milwaukee speech to the first annual conference on educational opportunity programs in higher education, Leslie Berger--director of CUNY's SEEK program--describes the birth and rapid growth of SEEK from 1965 to 1969; [...]

"Pre-Baccalaureate Program Student Statistics -- Fall Term 1965"

This early summary of the first semester of SEEK (then known as the Pre-Baccalaureate Program) details the courses, schedules and teachers for the 113 SEEK students in Fall 1965 at CCNY. These first SEEK students took a mix of mainstream and special [...]

"The Faculty Council Interim Report of the Committee on Enrollment Policy"

This April 1964 report shows the deep conflicts within the CCNY faculty with regards to expanding access to new students. Complaining about limited facilities and student unreadiness, the faculty committee resisted both loosening admissions [...]

Faculty Action, May 1976

Published in May 1976, in this inaugural issue of Faculty Action, the lead story urges members of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) to reject a recent contract negotiated by union leadership with the city and state. The issue also presents the [...]

"College Head Here Quits After Strife"

This New York Times article reports the resignation of Borough of Manhattan Community College president Murray Block following May 1970 demonstrations that ended with students and faculty occupying the college's buildings. Block's replacement was [...]

Prometheus, January 26, 1972

This issue of Prometheus, BMCC's student newspaper, reflects the evolving editorial concerns of the increasingly black and Latino/a student body. The paper contains articles on university funding, drug abuse, corporate enablers of [...]

Prometheus, February 10, 1971

This issue of Prometheus, BMCC's student newspaper, is dubbed by its editors as "Liberated" Prometheus, a reflection of the editorial sensibilities of the new student government dominated by the Third World Coalition, a group of black and Latino/a [...]

Tiger Paper, April 1972

This edition of the Tiger Paper includes: interviews with BMCC students who were veterans of the Vietnam War, criticism of the college's registration process, a front page article detailing the firing of a professor, and an interview [...]

Tiger Paper, February 1973

This special issue of the Tiger Paper addresses the ongoing "struggle" over control of the Black Studies program at BMCC. The paper's editors, along with a group of radical students, supported the poet and educator Sonia Sanchez for the [...]

Tiger Paper, March 1974

This issue of the Tiger Paper exposes what the editors consider a sham testimonial dinner for BMCC President Edgar Draper. Other articles of interest include an extended interview with a BMCC student who served in Vietnam, the detailing of [...]

Tiger Paper, November 1971

This inaugural issue of the Tiger Paper takes on the BMCC administration over mismangement of student fees and interference in student government. It also contains stories on BMCC's newly-inaugurated childcare center, a feature on the travails of [...]

Tiger Paper, February 1972

This issue of the Tiger Paper contains humorous takedowns of the college administration, a call for free subways, a critique of the state of nursing education, and an extended interview with radical poet Sonia Sanchez.The Tiger Paper, which [...]

SLAM! Programs Brochure

This 5-page brochure includes a brief overview of SLAM's history up to the 1999-2000 school year, SLAM!'s 10-point program, and details on three campaigns SLAM! was organizing that year: the High School Organizing Committee, which worked with high [...]

Medgar Evers College - The Pursuit of a Community's Dream

In this short book, Medgar Evers College: The Pursuit of a Community's Dream, CUNY retired professors Florence Tager and Zala Highsmith-Taylor tell the story of the founding of the college. As an institution born largely out of 1960s [...]

"Birth of a Movement"

This Village Voice article covers the coalition effort that pulled off four simultaneous civil disobedience actions on April 25, 1995, stopping traffic at major bridges and tunnels to fight city budget cuts. Puerto Rican, black and Asian groups [...]

Spheric: Ground Zero

This issue of Spheric, a Hunter College newspaper produced by activists from the CUNY Coalition, covers efforts organized by the Students Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) to protest New York Governor George Pataki's plan to decrease state funding [...]

"City's Personnel Policies Called Biased"

This New York Times article outlines charges against the city that alleged discrimination against women and racial minorities in hiring and promotions at CUNY. Women's Studies Program co-coordinators and Brooklyn College Women's Organization members [...]

Letter to the Editor, New York Times Magazine

As women's studies programs began to emerge in colleges around the country, faculty had to fight to legitimize the field of academic inquiry and interdisciplinary framing. Furthermore, several programs had to fend off homophobic and misogynist [...]

Brooklyn College Women's Union Meeting

The Women's Union at Brooklyn College was an organization comprised of many faculty and staff from the Women's Studies Program, but existed as a separate entity that would tackle political and administrative issues affecting women at the college. [...]

City Council Press Release on Sex Discrimination

This press release from the New York City Council Office of Public Information announces Councilmember Carol Greitzer's accusation that the Board of Education "discriminated against thousands of women employees at a financial loss running into the [...]

BCWO Goals, Letter to Pat Withner

In the early 1970s before the founding of the Women's Studies Program, the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) addressed several concerns of women faculty and students at the college. Historian and co-founder Renate Bridenthal notifies the [...]

BWCO Response to President Kneller on Daycare

Responding to the dismissive tone of a letter from Brooklyn College President John Kneller's office, the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) wrote: "The tone and content of the letter...does not convey the cooperative spirit of which you [...]

Brooklyn College Women's Organization Executive Meeting Invite

The letter to the Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) executive committee invites them to a meeting to plan for a general meeting later in the month. The invitation documents the activities of the first group to convene at the university to [...]

Brooklyn College Women's Organization Members List

The Brooklyn College Women's Organization (BCWO) was the first organized group of women faculty at Brooklyn College, brought together across departments to address women's issues at the university. BCWO was the birthplace of feminist activity and [...]

Program, Brooklyn College Feminist Festival

These two versions of a program for a feminist festival held in the early years of the Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program showcase the interdisciplinary concerns of the program, as well as their commitment to an active relationship between [...]

"Tough Times Ahead for Women"

Brooklyn College Women's Studies Program co-founder and professor of history, Renate Bridenthal, is featured in this Clarion article, which is the PSC-CUNY faculty union publication. The Clarion covered a speech Bridenthal gave at the CUNY Feminist [...]

Source magazine interview with SLAM! Members

This article published in The Source, a national hip-hop magazine, is about SLAM! and includes quotes from SLAM! members: Rachel Laforest, Kai Barrow and Peter Chung. They discuss SLAM! realtions with other activist groups protesting against the [...]

New York College Teachers Union Newsletter, January 1941

The cover of this issue of the College Newsletter, a publication of the New York College Teachers Union, includes several articles regarding the then ongoing Rapp-Coudert hearings of the early 1940s. They report on mass meetings with thousands of [...]

Statement by QC SDS

Created by the Queens College chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), this flier from spring 1969 features the group's demand for the reinstatement of, and dropping of charges against, three students that had forced a General Electric [...]

"U.S. Court Rules Against City U. in Sex-Bias Suit"

Ten years after a class action lawsuit was filed in 1973 by 25 women faculty across CUNY campuses, a federal judge ruled that CUNY had "discriminated unlawfully against women on its teaching staff for 15 years by paying them less than men in [...]

Free University Presents Remaking Justice beyond Police, Courts, and Prisons

This workshops pamphlet was created for a May 25, 2014, Free University of New York City event "Remaking Justice beyond Police, Courts, and Prisons" in Battery Park, NY. Workshops were held outdoors at Battery Park and included presentations on [...]

"Subtleties of Resistance" Free University at Kara Walker's A Subtlety or the Marvelous Sugar Baby

Promotional leaflet for July 5, 2014, Free University-NYC event "Subtleties of Resistance" Free University at Kara Walker's exhibition, A Subtlety or the Marvelous Sugar Baby, at the Domino Sugar Factory, Brooklyn, NY. These site-specific [...]

Free University Week - September 18 Information Packet

"Free Education is a Right" This workshops pamphlet for "Free University Week," September 18-22, 2012, in Madison Square Park, Manhattan, NY announced a variety of topics ranging from Radical Potentiality: Recreating Academic Practices in the [...]

Free University Week - 1st Annual May Day Course Descriptions

This pamphlet features workshops, teach-ins and events planned for the 1st annual Free University of New York City on May 1, 2012, in Madison Square Park, Manhattan, NY. In addition to talks by David Harvey, David Graeber, Francis Fox Piven, Chris [...]

Occupy Every Block: Day of Action

Organized by Occupy Wall Street this informational leaflet is a call for a Day of Action on November 17, 2011. This decentralized action was held throughout all 5 boroughs of New York City, with gatherings at 16 central subway hubs to listen to [...]

Item Type: Text (Flier / Leaflet (1 or 2 page handout))

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