A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 6 items that match your search.

Covid-19 and the Escalating Mental Health Crisis among Bipoc and Immigrants

Created by Areeba Zanub in Fall 2020, this digital capstone project examined the COVID-19 pandemic relationship to the rising mental health crisis of BIPOC and immigrant communities. In it, Zanub investigated the role of the "essential worker" with [...]

#CancelRent And Eviction Blockades in Brooklyn: Black Queer Women and Femmes Fight for the Right to Housing

Written and submitted by Brooklyn College student Emily Batista over the summer of 2020, this autoethnography focused on the eviction defense of 1214 Dean Street in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. Batista framed this research project as a "vessel to [...]

Directory of CUNY Online Social Platforms

Created in the form of an open-access Google Document on July 12, 2020, this public directory compiled a list of online social platforms associated with the City University of New York (CUNY) (e.g., Discord servers, Subreddits, Facebook groups, [...]

Guidance from CUNY Regarding Classroom Observations, Office Hours, Annual Evaluations, Tenure/Promotion

Sent to faculty on March 25, 2020, from the Office of Academic Affairs at CUNY's College of Staten Island (CSI) to faculty, this email offered administrative responses to looming questions at the center of City University of New York's (CUNY) [...]

Interview with Baruch College Senior on the Distance Learning Experience

Recorded and transcribed by by Zach Muhlbauer, on April 21, 2020, this interview with an anonymous undergraduate student at CUNY's Baruch College who grappled with the abrupt transition to remote learning formats during the interviewee's final [...]

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