A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 6 items that match your search.

"Jeopardizing the Life of Institution" – Letter to the Students from President Cahn

Addressed to the students on April 18, 1991, and signed by Steven M. Cahn, the acting Graduate Center president, this letter stated that the student strikers who had occupied the Graduate Center were "jeopardizing the life of the institution" they [...]

No Budget Cuts – No Givebacks – Join CUNY Students

City University of New York’s (CUNY) struggles were “no different from labor’s fight for economic and social justice.” This 1991 flyer appealed to NYC labor movement members to join CUNY student strikers, arguing that the attacks on CUNY [...]

Workers and Students, Fight Back Against Cutbacks

Calling for a general strike to support students, this May Day flyer argued that “When the police attack. . .workers and students will unite to fight back against cutbacks and police brutality.” Written in both Spanish and English, the flyer [...]

Graduate Center Newsletter on the CUNY Crisis

This  Graduate Center Newsletter on the CUNY Crisis , published on May 9, 1991, announced a teach-in on "Maintaining the Struggle after the Occupation," which focused on organizing efforts to continue putting pressure on the New York State [...]

CUNY Students March and Rally

This flyer promoted a city-wide protest scheduled for April 24, 1991, at the World Trade Center. Drawing connections between the struggles of students, community, and labor, this flyer stated, “success in our struggle will only come if we fight [...]

CUNY Students Join Striking Home Care Workers Flyer

Sponsored by Local 1199 and CUNY strikers, this flyer promoted an April 17th rally and march in front of the Human Resources Administration (HRA) building. In solidarity with the workers of New York City, City University of New York (CUNY) students [...]

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