A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 9 items that match your search.

Letter from Chancellor Albert Bowker to Al Vann: Space and Personnel

Letter from Chancellor Albert Bowker to Al Vann, Chairman of Bedford-Stuyvesant Steering Committee, outlining the ways in which the University can meet the request of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition for space and personnel.

Letter from Seymour Hyman: Campus Planning

Letter from Seymour Hyman, Vice Chancellor of Campus Planning & Development, to Ira Duncan, Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Real Estate, requesting temporary space in the Bedford Stuyvesant Community for the members to confer and develop [...]

Memo from William Ballard: Space

This is an interdepartmental memo from William Ballard, Consulting Architect, to Seymour Hyman, Vice Chancellor for Campus Planning & Development, concerning the size and location of a site for the new college (Medgar Evers College) in [...]

Telegram from Al Vann: Promising Action if Services and Personnel are Withdrawn

This telegram was sent from Al Vann to CUNY Chancellor Albert Bowker. Vann, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition. Vann writes the message on behalf of the Coalition's member organizations in an effort to challenge [...]

Handwritten Notes from a September 12, 1968 Meeting

These handwritten notes are from a September 12, 1968 meeting of CUNY officials concerning the creation of Medgar Evers College. The notes suggest that the criteria for presidential candidates be established and that a selection be made by January [...]

"Progress Report on York College"

This article from the Queens Voice reports on a September 1969 gathering of "45 representatives from local civic, church, and other groups" concerned with the progress of the $100 million campus plans for York College in South Jamaica, Queens. [...]

"York College Getting a New Home in Queens"

This New York Post article details the Board of Higher Education's approval of the 1970 master plan for York College's campus construction. While the plan still needed a final go-ahead from the Board of Regents and Governor Nelson [...]

"Save Hostos Now!"

In March of 1975, the Community Coalition to Save Hostos took over the school in protest over the Board of Higher Education’s decision to close Hostos Community College. This flier announces the occupation of the school and articulates the demands [...]

"Board, City Push Hunt for York Site"

This article from the New York Daily News details an early push from civic leaders to find a temporary location for the nascent York College in Jamaica, Queens. Founded in 1966, two years prior to this article's printing, the college initially [...]

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