A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 13 items that match your search.

"Open Letter to the Students and Faculty (Please Read Carefully)"

This is an open letter to Queens College students and faculty from the Ad Hoc Committee, a politically active group comprised of concerned faculty and student activists. The group, which held a multi-day sit-in in the Social Sciences Building in [...]

Student Coalition Rally & Peaceful Walk Through

Distributed by the Student Coalition, this handout demands that Queens College students be granted access to walk through the Social Sciences Building. The building, housing President McMurray's office, had been the site of student occupation since [...]

We Wont Take No For an Answer!!

Produced by the Ad Hoc Committee, a left group of student and faculty activists, this flier advertises a rally at Queens College's A Building on April 16, 1969. A New York Times article from the following day reported that 150 students took control [...]

Forum in the Dome

Created by the Ad Hoc Committee, a left group of student and faculty activists, this flier promotes a campus forum during Queens College's free hour on April 21, 1969. The group, protesting the administration's treatment of student and faculty [...]

42 QC Students Arrested on Campus

This flier calls for a rally on April 1st, 1969 against Queens College's decision to have city police clear a student demonstration on campus. Students from the college's Ad Hoc Committee and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter had led [...]

"Political Suppression - You Can't Sit on This One...Strike!"

Created by the Ad Hoc Committee, a left-wing group comprised of student and faculty activists, this handout advertises an April 22, 1969 protest against the Queens College administration. The flier provides a brief summation of the group's most [...]

We Need Unity

Produced by the Ad Hoc Committee, a left-leaning student activist group at Queens College, this flier calls for a rally at the Dome on campus. Additionally, it calls for support at the Social Sciences (S.S.) Building. Just the day before this flier [...]

"Answer Back / Don't Strike"

Another anti-protest flier, this one again calls for students to attend class instead of striking. It features a quote from an "Ad Hoc 'Sympathizer'," a member of the group largely responsible for much of the ongoing disruption on campus.

"Support the 5 Demands"

Despite being printed on official Queens College letterhead, this handout was created by student activists in the Ad Hoc Committee. The flier calls for support of the five demands put forth by the group to the school's administration. Those five [...]

Support "A" Bldg Sit In!

Created by the Ad Hoc Committee, a student activist group at Queens College, this flier requests support for the Academic II building sit-in. In addition to providing justification for the students' occupation of the building, the flier gives [...]

Then We go to Academic II

Produced by the Ad-Hoc Committee in late-April 1969, this flier calls for student support for the takeover of the Academic II building. In March, the same group organized the occupation of the Social Sciences Building in protest of the college's [...]

"6th Day Bust Rally"

Created by the Ad Hoc Committee (to End Political Suppression), an activist student group at Queens College, this flier calls for a rally at 1pm on April 1, 1969 where the group would issue its reply to Queens College President McMurray's statement [...]

Ad Hoc Committee Statement of Demands

This flier, created by the Ad Hoc Committee to End Political Suppression, lays out the group's purpose in choosing to occupy the Social Sciences (SS) Building on the Queens College campus. The group would occupy the building from March 27th, the [...]

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