A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 5 items that match your search.

Annual Report for CSWS by Patricia Clough

This report described the Center for the Study of Women and Society's (CSWS) research and sponsored programs in the 2005-06 fiscal year. It included the Conviction Project Seminar, the College and Community Fellowship Program, the Community [...]

CUNY From My Window

Led by the Teaching and Learning Center at the CUNY Graduate Center, this crowd-sourced initiative featured a sense-making project aimed at documenting at the embodied perspectives of CUNY community members during the pandemic, framed from the [...]

Petition in Opposition to Turnitin for Plagiarism Detection Software

This petition – opposing the CUNY Central administration's resolution to approve a contract with Turnitin for Plagiarism Detection Software – was crafted by Lisa Rhody, Luke Waltzer, and Roxanne Shirazi and circulated on December 3, 2020, [...]

Graduate Center General Assembly Working Groups

Informational leaflet with a list of Graduate Center General Assembly Working Groups for Fall 2011: direct action, faculty liaison, inclusion, knowledgewerk, press, online presence & media, outreach, structure/process, support, and write in. The [...]

CUNY Faculty Statement of Support for November 17, 2011, Student Strike

CUNY Faculty Statement of Support, written primarily by Graduate Center faculty, for the November 17, 2011, Student Strike, in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. Several of the CUNY faculty who spearheaded this statement, and a few visiting [...]

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