A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 3 items that match your search.

CUNY Edu-Factory

“CUNY is becoming an Edu-Factory… and we need to be talking about it.” In conjunction with Equity Week, this poster was created as a teaching-resource. Using the factory as a way to visualize the precarity of contingent labor and how it [...]

Annual Report for CSWS by Patricia Clough

This report described the Center for the Study of Women and Society's (CSWS) research and sponsored programs in the 2005-06 fiscal year. It included the Conviction Project Seminar, the College and Community Fellowship Program, the Community [...]

MUMIA - Youth Rising Summer 2000

Mumia Youth Rising was produced by SLAM! High School Organizing Program, an initiative that offered workshops to public school students in which they addressed racism, prison justice and activism. This publication contains student produced articles [...]

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