A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

WSCP Proposal Evaluation Report

This review of the Advanced Certificate Program in Women's Studies Proposal from August 1988 reiterated the need and importance of such a program at the City University of New York (CUNY). Dr. Evelyn Torton Beck wrote that the proposed program had [...]

WSCP Approved Governance Structure

This document contained the proposed governance structure for the Women's Studies Certificate Program (WSCP) to be approved by the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate School's Graduate Council on March 1, 1990. The proposal included [...]

"U.S. Court Rules Against City U. in Sex-Bias Suit"

Ten years after a class action lawsuit was filed in 1973 by 25 women faculty across CUNY campuses, a federal judge ruled that CUNY had "discriminated unlawfully against women on its teaching staff for 15 years by paying them less than men in [...]

Memo to Brooklyn College Vice President John Quinn

This memo from the Women's Studies Steering Committee to Brooklyn College Vice President John Quinn (also the Committee Chairman on Structure) argues for the restructuring of interdisciplinary programs into a Women's Studies department, with the aim [...]

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