A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 14 items that match your search.

Presidential Search Committee of Community College 7: Minutes July 9, 1968,

On July 9, 1968, the Presidential Search Committee for “Community College 7,” composed of five City University of New York officials and five appointed representatives of Bedford-Stuyvesant’s community-based organizations, met to discuss plans [...]

Minutes of Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services Community July 11, 1968, Meeting with Negotiation Team

On July 11, 1968, the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services held a community meeting, at which the five-member Negotiation Team, appointed to represent them in planning Community College 7 with City of New York (CUNY) [...]

Steering Committee of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services Minutes: Proposed Selection Criteria for the President of Community College 7

On September 24, 1968, the Steering Committee of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services (B-SCENS) met to discuss the criteria they hoped to use in the selection of a president for a new, public college in Central [...]

October 7, 1968, Proposal to Improve the Planning and Implementation of Community College 7

On October 7, 1968, Joseph Shenker, Acting Dean for Community College Affairs for the City University of New York, submitted a proposal to the Ford Foundation for a $440,000 grant “to Improve the Planning and Implementation of Community College [...]

December 3, 1968 Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Negotiation Team of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Educational Needs and Services

The five-member Negotiation Team of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services met on December 3, 1968, to discuss a proposed resolution put forward by City University of New York (CUNY) officials to establish Community [...]

Minutes of the February 17, 1969 Meeting of the Presidential Search Committee for Community College 7

On February 17, 1969 the Presidential Search Committee for Community College 7, composed of five City University of New York (CUNY) officials and five appointed representatives of Bedfrord-Stuyvesant community organizations, met to continue their [...]

September 17, 1969 Letter from CUNY Vice Chancellor Julius C. C. Edelstein to Assemblyman Samuel Wright

On September 17, 1969, Julius Edelstein, Vice Chancellor of the City University of New York (CUNY), wrote to Assemblyman Samuel Wright, who represented Central Brooklyn, to inform him of the Executive Committee of the Board of Higher Education [...]

September 24, 1969 Letter from Al Vann to Porter Chandler

On September 24, 1969, Al Vann, Chairman of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services (B-SCENS) wrote a letter to Porter Chandler, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, responding to a recent Resolution of the Executive [...]

Brooklyn Branch Education Committee of the NAACP Press Release, March 16, 1970: The Appointment of Richard Trent as President of Medgar Evers College, CUNY

On March 16, 1970 the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) issued a press release announcing their approval of the appointment of Richard Trent as the president of the newly established Medgar Evers College, CUNY in [...]

December 2, 1970 CUNY Press Release Announcing Medgar Evers: New College in Central Brooklyn

On December 2, 1970, the City University of New York issued a press release announcing that a new college planned in and for Central Brooklyn, referred to in previous plans and documents as “Community College 7,” would be named for Civil Rights [...]

Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges 7 and 8: Minutes - February 15, 1968,

On February 15, 1968, seven City University of New York (CUNY) officials met to discuss their role and responsibilities as the Committee to Seek Presidents for Community Colleges Seven and Eight. The Committee agreed that their “primary focus… [...]

Chancellor Albert Bowker to Al Vann: Letter - May 22, 1969

On May 22, 1969, Albert Bowker, Chancellor of the City University of New York wrote a letter to Al Vann, Chairman of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services (B-SCENS), conveying his wish to overcome a “deadlock” over [...]

Presidential Search Negotiation Team June 6, 1968, Memo to the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services

On June 6, 1968, a Presidential Search Committee comprised of five representatives from Bedford-Stuyvesant and five officials of the City University of New York (CUNY) met to discuss how they would collaborate to plan and lead a new public college [...]

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