A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 8 items that match your search.

May 23, 1968, meeting minutes of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services (B-SCENS) Steering Committee

On May 23, 1968, the Steering Committee of the newly-formed Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services (B-SCENS), a network of education advocacy groups and community-based organizations, met to discuss how they would represent [...]

Minutes of Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services Community July 11, 1968, Meeting with Negotiation Team

On July 11, 1968, the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services held a community meeting, at which the five-member Negotiation Team, appointed to represent them in planning Community College 7 with City of New York (CUNY) [...]

Steering Committee of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services Minutes: Proposed Selection Criteria for the President of Community College 7

On September 24, 1968, the Steering Committee of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services (B-SCENS) met to discuss the criteria they hoped to use in the selection of a president for a new, public college in Central [...]

October 7, 1968, Letter from Al Vann to the editors of the New York Amsterdam News

On October 7, 1968, Al Vann, chairman of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services, wrote a letter to the Editor of the New York Amsterdam News, responding to an editorial published a week earlier. The editors of the [...]

December 10, 1968 Letter from Al Vann to Frederick Burkhardt

On December 10, 1968, Al Vann, Chairman of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services (B-SCENS), wrote to Frederick Burkhardt, Chairman of the New York City Board of Higher Education, to comment on a debate that had [...]

September 24, 1969 Letter from Al Vann to Porter Chandler

On September 24, 1969, Al Vann, Chairman of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services (B-SCENS) wrote a letter to Porter Chandler, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, responding to a recent Resolution of the Executive [...]

Presidential Search Negotiation Team June 6, 1968, Memo to the Bedford-Stuyvesant Coalition on Educational Needs and Services

On June 6, 1968, a Presidential Search Committee comprised of five representatives from Bedford-Stuyvesant and five officials of the City University of New York (CUNY) met to discuss how they would collaborate to plan and lead a new public college [...]

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