A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 4 items that match your search.

"York Students Back Jamaica"

This Long Island Press article discusses the York College Student Council's decision to support the Board of Higher Education's selection of Jamaica, Queens as the permanent location for the college. At the time of the article's printing, the school [...]

"York Kids March on City Hall, Call It a 'Class' Fight"

This Daily News article details a May 1968 march by York College students in protest against what they considered inadequate campus facilities. York, the newest of the CUNY schools at the time, relied on temporary space within Queensborough [...]

State Letter of Approval for additional community college (# seven)

This NY State letter of approval for additional community college (# seven) is signed by Governor Nelson Rockefeller and directed to James Allen, his Commissioner of the State Education Department. He notes that it has yet to be confirmed that no [...]

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