A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 5 items that match your search.

Fact Finding "Brief"

This excerpt from a Fact Finding "Brief" focused on CUNY's exploitative use of adjunct faculty following the advent in 1970 of open enrollment. Following a clarification of the types of part-time positions, the brief criticized low adjunct pay, [...]

Adjuncts Reject PSC Contract

Tom Lynch's 1973 article, “Adjuncts Reject PSC Contract,” published in The Meridian, The Student Voice of Lehman College, argued that the raise was inadequate in so far as it was lower than the cost of living and was less than what full-time [...]

Handwritten Letter Concerning Responsibilities of Membership in the Professional Staff Congress

This letter from a nonmember of the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) asks about the responsibilities of membership, particularly in regards to striking. The sender, a CUNY instructor, had been inquiring prior to deciding whether or not to join the [...]

Oral History Interview with Lilia Melani

“I was not interested in changing CUNY’s policies. I wanted to transform the very nature of the power structure.” – Lilia Melani Conducted in 2019, as part of the Professional Staff Congress' (PSC) oral history initiative, this interview [...]

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