A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 3 items that match your search.

Medgar Evers College - The Pursuit of a Community's Dream

In this short book, Medgar Evers College: The Pursuit of a Community's Dream, CUNY retired professors Florence Tager and Zala Highsmith-Taylor tell the story of the founding of the college. As an institution born largely out of 1960s [...]

MEC for MEC, Albany, 1976

Demonstration in Albany when budget cuts threatened Medgar Evers College. Sign reads: "DON'T LET THEM ASSASSINATE MEDGAR EVERS AGAIN! KEEP ALIVE THE ONLY FOUR-YEAR COLLEGE IN OUR COMMUNITY!!"

Governor's Conversion of Community College #7 to Senior College

This letter from Department of Education Commissioner Ewald Nyquist acknowledges the Regents' approval of the conversion of New York City Community College Seven to a senior (four-year) college offering both associate and BA degrees. While [...]

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