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"Equal pay for Equal Work"

This 1994 flyer, produced by the Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA) at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, was an appeal to the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) to stop supporting a two-tiered salaru system. The document detailed inequities in adjunct compensation. Specific demands included salary adjustments, paid office hours, job security, governance inclusion, job flexibilit, and support for scholarly activities by adjuncts.

The Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA) formed shortly after the failure of the Part-time Instructional and Research Staff Union (PTU) to achieve the right to form a separate union.

Source | The Tamiment Institute Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Creator | Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA) of John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Date Created | 1994
Rights | Obtain From The Tamiment Institute Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Item Type | Text (Report / Paper / Proposal)
Cite This document | Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA) of John Jay College of Criminal Justice, “"Equal pay for Equal Work",” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 26, 2024,


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