A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

"Concerned Faculty Statement"

This is a statement presented by concerned Queens College faculty at a meeting of the college's Personnel and Budget Committee. Agreed upon by approximately 150 faculty members, the paper expresses concern over the college's handling of ongoing student demonstrations in March/April 1969. Many of the points enumerated in the document echo the assertions and demands made by student activists in the Ad Hoc Committee.

Creator | Ad Hoc Faculty Committee (?)
Date Created | April 13, 1969
Rights | Copyright Queens College Department of Special Collections and Archives (New York, N.Y.)
Item Type | Text (Flier / Leaflet (1 or 2 page handout))
Cite This document | Ad Hoc Faculty Committee (?), “"Concerned Faculty Statement",” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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