A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Oral History Interview with Sabrine Hammad

In her interview, Sabrine Hammad discussed her political upbringing in a Palestinian nationalist household, and her relationships with her sisters who were also in the Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM!) At Hunter College in the 1990s, where they all studied. She talked about the organizational structure of SLAM!, and in particular the work that she and Kai Lumumba-Barrow did in the office, and Kai’s cultivation of women of color leaders in the organization. She discussed solidarity work, including a delegation she took part in that went to Iraq in the early 2000s. She situated SLAM! within a constellation of people of color-led Left organizations in New York at the time, including within CUNY. Finally, she discussed her work after leaving SLAM!, including as an organizer with the CUNY Professional Staff Congress union.

Source | Okechukwu, Amaka
Creator | Okechukwu, Amaka
Date Created | November 15, 2019
Interviewer | Okechukwu, Amaka
Interviewee | Hammad, Sabrine
Rights | Copyright Okechukwu, Amaka
Item Type | Oral History (Digital)
Cite This document | Okechukwu, Amaka, “Oral History Interview with Sabrine Hammad,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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