A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Center for the Study of Women and Society Self Study – 2008

Submitted on May 7, 2008, this report on the Center for the Study of Women and Society (CSWS) was part of the City University of New York (CUNY) Center/Institute Periodic Review. The history section stated that CSWS was founded by CUNY Graduate Center faculty members Joan Kelly, Gerda Lerner, Cynthia Fuchs-Epstein, Judith Lorber, and Gaye Tuchman in 1977. Its first directors were Susan Saegert (1977-78), Mary Parlee (1979-83), and Sue Zalk (1984-93). In 1990, CSWS organized the Women's Studies Certificate Program (WSCP) for doctoral students enrolled at the Graduate Center, and since 1994, CSWS's director has also been the coordinator of the WSCP. This history was followed by the CSWS research mission, which was identified as the study of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, and nationality. The report stated that as of May 2008, the CSWS had 62 faculty associates and ran multiple programs such as the College and Community Fellowship (CCF), Community Leadership and Education After Reentry (CLEAR), Activist Women's Voices and Oral History Archive, Urban Fieldwork Internships, the Feminist Studies Group, Women Writing Women's Lives (WWWL), Visiting Scholars, Speakers Series, and three awards for students. The institutional publications were Women's Studies Quarterlythe Newsletter, and a research paper by CLEAR. The report also identified various outreach efforts by CSWS, computer resources, facilities, including the CSWS/WSCP library. This was followed by main issues and concerns, such as administrative and audience development for the Speakers Series. The report concluded with information on CSWS's faculty, students, and budget.

Source | Center for the Study of Women and Society
Date Created | May 7, 2008
Rights | Copyright Center for the Study of Women and Society
Item Type | Text (Report / Paper / Proposal)
Cite This document | “Center for the Study of Women and Society Self Study – 2008,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,

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