A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Infusing Material on Women of Color Project Timeline

A part of the Ford Foundation grant proposal, this file provided a timeline for implementing the inclusion of material on and by women of color (WOC) into the liberal arts curriculum of the City University of New York (CUNY) senior colleges. The timeline had the project set to begin in the fall of 1989 with the selection and orientation of facilitators, followed by the recruitment and orientation of seminar participants from March to May 1990. That three-month period also included selecting seminar lectures and readings for participants and communication with the "Communication Network." A talk by Paula S. Rothenberg, entitled, "Dealing with Faculty Resistance to a Balanced Curriculum" was scheduled for April 23, 1990. The seminars associated with the project were expected to take place from June 18 to 22, 1990. In July and August, there would be a collection and dissemination of revised outlines for courses, evaluations of the seminars, and a survey for the "Communication Network." By the Fall of 1990, participants were expected to implement revised outlines, attend meetings, and publish two newsletters to integrate WOC material into the curricula. In May 1991, there would be a conference on what was a balanced curriculum. The final product, integrated course outlines, would be disseminated in the fall 1991 semester.

Source | Center for the Study of Women and Society
Creator | Center for the Study of Women and Society
Date Created | June 1989
Rights | Copyright Center for the Study of Women and Society
Item Type | Text (Report / Paper / Proposal)
Cite This document | Center for the Study of Women and Society, “Infusing Material on Women of Color Project Timeline,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed October 5, 2024,

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