A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 3 items that match your search.

"Mind if We CRAASH Here?"

This article in the Hunter Envoy from October 2007 profiles the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH) during the semester of its founding. CRAASH was founded by four Hunter College students—Olivia Lin, [...]

"Asian Studies Crisis?"

This article in the Hunter Envoy from April 2008 covers Dean Shirley Scott's response to claims made by the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH) about the lack of financial support from the Hunter [...]

El Machete Rojo: The Administration of Hostos

El Machete Rojo was a leaflet produced by the Puerto Rican Socialist Party. This leaflet shows fracturing between the students at Hostos and the administration over the firing of some faculty members who were involved in activist efforts dedicated [...]

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