We found 2 items that match your search.
Brooklyn College President's April 18, 1969, Response to Puerto Rican and African-American Students' 18 Demands
The Office of the President at Brooklyn College (BC) responded on April 18, 1969, to the 18 Demands presented by Puerto Rican and African-American students earlier that month. In response to the first demands, the office alluded to CUNY's proposed [...]
Item Type: Text (Memorandum/Press Release / Statement)
Subjects: Activism, Diversity, Ethnic, Black or Latino Studies, Pedagogy, Puerto Rican Studies, Student Organizations
Tags: 18 Demands, African American Faculty, African American Students, Black Faculty, Black Panther Party, Black Students, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn College Bookstore, C.I.A. on campus, Curriculum, Curriculum Transformation, Institute of Afro-American Studies, Institute of Puerto Rican Studies, Kingsman, Martin Luther King Jr. Distinguished Visiting Professorship, Open Admissions, Panther 21, Professor Brandstein, Professor Faganis, Professor Ford, Professor Slotnick, Professor Zimmerman, Puerto Rican Faculty, Puerto Rican Students, Response to Demands, Robert T. Fitzhugh, Willie Watson
Oral History Interview with Dr. Milga Morales Nadal
Retiring as Vice President of Student Affairs at Brooklyn College, an office she occupied as a student activist in the late 1960s, Dr. Milga Morales Nadal, shares details about the Puerto Rican student movement at the college. She described the [...]
Item Type: Oral History (Digital)
Time Periods: 1961-1969 The Creation of CUNY - Open Admissions Struggle, 1970-1977 Open Admissions - Fiscal Crisis - State Takeover
Subjects: Activism, Bilingual Education, Ethnic, Black or Latino Studies, Puerto Rican Studies, Student Organizations
Tags: 18 Demands, A.P.R.E.E., Alliance for Puerto Rican Education and Empowerment, ASPIRA, B.L.A.C., BC44, Brooklyn, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn College 44, Brooklyn League of Afro-American Collegians, Carmen Dinos, Civil Rights Movement, College Discovery Program, Escuela Infantil Bilingue, Ethnic Studies, Gowanus, Greenpoint-Williamsburg, Guyanilla, Herminio Vargas, Institute of Afro-American Studies, Institute of Puerto Rican Studies, Josephine Nieves, La Playita, Language Acquisition, Latino Faculty and Staff, Local 1199, Maria Sanchez, Massacre de Ponce, Open Admissions, P.R., P.R.A., President Office Takeover, Puerto Rican Alliance, Puerto Rican Diaspora, Puerto Rican Music, Puerto Rican Studies, Puerto Rico, S.D.S., SEEK, Sonia Nieto, Students for a Democratic Society, Vietnam War, W.E.B. DuBois Club, Young Lords Organization