A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 5 items that match your search.

First CLAGS Benefit Proposal

This press release for CLAGS’ first fundraising event was published on October 1st, 1989. The event, hosted by Beat poet Allen Ginsberg and feminist icon Gloria Steinem was part of CLAGS' effort to raise the $50,000 required to formally operate as [...]

CLAGS Directory of Lesbian and Gay Studies

“We believe this directory will prove an important tool for facilitating communication between scholars already working in the field or hoping to enter it. And that, in turn, will help to guarantee the secure place of lesbian and gay studies in [...]

Lesbian and Gay History: Defining a Field

This poster promotes a conference entitled Lesbian and Gay History: Defining a Field, which was held by CLAGS in association with the Doctoral Program in History at the CUNY Graduate Center on October 6th and 7th, 1995. As the name suggests, this [...]


This newsletter, dated Summer 1996, was sent to the members of CLAGS to keep them abreast of information regarding the center, including changes to the board, current news, and upcoming events. This particular issue of the newsletter is significant [...]

CLAGS Newsletter: 10 Year Anniversary

This special edition of the CLAGS newsletter, sent to members in 2001, celebrates the 10 year anniversary of the organization as well as the progress that the center has made. The newsletter places the history of CLAGS in the context of the [...]

Item Type: Text (Newspaper / Magazine / Journal)
Subject: LGBTQ Studies

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