A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 5 items that match your search.

PTU View

The August 1986 PTU View newsletter called for adjunct faculty to sign a "union authorization" card. In addition to listing how the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) had failed to represent the interests of contingent faculty, the PTU’s demands [...]

Trench Scholar!

Will Petry, an adjunct who had recently been elected Chairperson of the Doctoral Students' Council (DSC) at the Graduate Center, wrote this 1986 editorial in Refuse. Petry recounted a series of specific events in relation to his employment as an [...]

CUNY Edu-Factory

“CUNY is becoming an Edu-Factory… and we need to be talking about it.” In conjunction with Equity Week, this poster was created as a teaching-resource. Using the factory as a way to visualize the precarity of contingent labor and how it [...]

Your Voice Counts

"No Budget Cuts, No Tuition Hikes, No Police on Campus" This flyer called for Graduate Center students to show solidarity in support of the City University of New York (CUNY) strike by joining the CUNY Graduate Center (GC) takeover. The pamphlet [...]

Graduate Student Action Paper

Written by the Graduate Center Student Strike in April 1991, this action paper reported that the City University of New York's (CUNY) Graduate Center had been taken over by graduate students on the morning of April 16th in solidarity with the [...]

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