A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

We found 7 items that match your search.

Tiger Paper, February 1972

This issue of the Tiger Paper contains humorous takedowns of the college administration, a call for free subways, a critique of the state of nursing education, and an extended interview with radical poet Sonia Sanchez.The Tiger Paper, which [...]

Action, April 1968

This issue of Action includes a detailed account of a City College professor's experience working within CCNY's "Pre-Baccalaureate Program," news of an upcoming collective bargaining vote, and editorials regarding various university-wide [...]

Action, April 1969

This issue of Action features stories on recent CUNY budget cuts largely attributable to a $70 million shortfall between city appropriations and CUNY requests. Also found in the paper are articles detailing new union demands for lecturers, [...]

Action, February 1969

This edition of Action leads with the results of a recent CUNY-wide faculty vote regarding union representation. It also includes articles covering the UFCT's legislative efforts in Albany, ongoing threats to CUNY's budget, as well as book [...]

Action, May-June 1969

This issue of Action features a "forum" of five CUNY faculty reflecting on the "turmoil" present on college campuses across the nation. The professors' contributions reflect several perspectives on student protest efforts and the larger issues [...]

Action, November 1968

This edition of Action announces the upcoming election of a "collective bargaining agent" for CUNY faculty. The faculty are set to choose between the UFCT (the publisher of this paper), the Legislative Conference, or no organizational representation [...]

The Bulletin of the Anti-Fascist Association, January 1935

Founded by City College staff in early 1935, the Anti-Fascist Association was a collective of likeminded left-wing and liberal faculty who perceived and fought against a rising threat of fascism abroad and militarism at home. The group held monthly [...]

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