A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Association of Part-time Faculty Quiz

Produced by the Association of Part-time Faculty (APTF) at CUNY, this satirical quiz juxtaposed current CUNY adjunct rights with the recent labor achievements of other institutions of higher education. It also provided a mock balance sheet in which part-time and full-time benefits were compared.

Source | The Tamiment Institute Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Creator | Association of Part-time Faculty
Date Created | - 1984
Rights | Obtain From The Tamiment Institute Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Item Type | Text (Poster / Flier / Leaflet)
Cite This document | Association of Part-time Faculty, “Association of Part-time Faculty Quiz,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed July 27, 2024,


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