A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

"A Procedure suggested for coping with the Present Emergency"

This notice, created by Queens College's Biology Caucus, proposed the creation of an interdepartmental, college-wide committee comprised of full-time faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates. As the document notes, it was the hope that this committee might arrive at a satisfactory decision to resolve the college's ongoing crisis between students and the administration. Student demonstrations and sit-ins were regularly planned between March and May 1969, with tensions on campus remaining particularly acute during that period.

Source | Queens College Special Collections and Archives
Creator | Biology Caucus
Date Created | April 12, 1969
Rights | Obtain From Queens College Department of Special Collections and Archives (New York, N.Y.
Item Type | Text (Diary / Correspondence)
Cite This document | Biology Caucus, “"A Procedure suggested for coping with the Present Emergency",” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed May 15, 2024,

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