A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York

Emergency Call to Action

Dated April 15th, 1991 at 3:27 PM, this facsimile was an “emergency call to action.” It reported that students who had taken over City University of New York (CUNY) campuses, including New York City Technical College, Baruch College, and Queens College were being beaten by police and campus security guards. Twelve injures from New York Technical College were reported, including one woman who was in critical condition. The document called on CUNY faculty and students to “wage a massive response of protest” and, more specifically, for faculty to cancel classes for one day on April 17th.

Source | McCaffrey, Katherine
Date Created | April 15, 1991
Rights | Copyright McCaffrey, Katherine
Item Type | Text
Cite This document | “Emergency Call to Action,” CUNY Digital History Archive, accessed May 1, 2024,

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