We found 5 items that match your search.
Strengthening Education: Empowering Asian American Studies Conference
This video documents the conference, titled "Strengthening Education: Empowering Asian American Studies," that was hosted by the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH) on April 16, 2008, to address the need for [...]
Student Protest for Asian American Studies Department and Major at Hunter College
On April 5, 2017, members and allies of the Coalition for the Revitalization of Asian American Studies at Hunter (CRAASH), including students from other universities in New York City, gathered outside of Hunter College to protest the Hunter [...]
Where Are We Now in the #Fight4AAS?
In this Google Hangout, which took place on May 9, 2016, student activists from across the country discuss their respective experiences organizing for Asian American studies on their campuses. The conversation was hosted by 18Million Rising and [...]
Black Nations/Queer Nations? Conference Video
This panel was one of many held during CLAGS’ Black Nations/Queer Nations? conference held at the Graduate Center from March 9 to 11 1995. It brought together famed, queer, black literary figures Samuel R Delaney, Coco Fusco, and Essex Hemphill. [...]
The Nation and the Closet
One of CLAGS’ first events, held on November 19, 1991, The Nation and the Closet brought together four distinct academics to discuss queerness in Latin America. The first speaker, Lehman College professor, Oscar Montero discusses the way in which [...]